Deep Cleaning Package

Your home is where you should be the most comfortable, and nobody wants to live in a home that isn’t as clean as it could be. However, more important things in life fill up your schedule, and over time, grime, grease, and dust build up around the house.

Do you have cobwebs in the corner, or dust covering shelves so thickly that it’s a different color?

Are your cabinets covered with greasy fingerprints, or your stove covered with splatters?

Do you have grime in your tubs and showers?

Is mold starting to grow between tiles, glass doors opaque with soap residue build-up?

Do your pets shed incessantly and their hair covers your floors, couches, and rugs?

Do you have young kids (enough said, right?)?

Besides all the obvious details, there are some parts of your house you just can’t reach or don’t have the time to carefully clean in your busy schedule – high bookshelves, intake vents, fan blades, picture frames, under lampshades, window blinds, dirty baseboards, and more! When your home needs a truly deep and thorough clean, it’s best to trust a professional cleaning service.

At, performing a deep house cleaning doesn’t only mean wiping down surfaces and scrubbing sinks. We believe that the best cleaning services provide a thorough, well-defined experience and attend to the little details. We use a personalized approach in all of our cleaning services to make your home, office and event center cleaner than you have imagined it could be.

When to purchase our Deep Cleaning Package:

Note: Please have painters remove all tape from hinges and hardware before final clean. We can remove plastic film from cabinets but as it is a tedious job, we will charge extra.

First-Time Service

The first time your home is cleaned is incredibly important. Prior to beginning recurring service with us, we can provide your very first cleaning as a Deep Cleaning Package. This will bring your house to the best possible cleanliness level – and keeping it that way will be easy to accomplish once recurring services are started. This is especially important if your home hasn’t been cleaned before, or if the condition of the home is very “lived-in”.

One-Time Service

Sometimes, a single, Deep Cleaning Package is enough to make your house as clean as you want or need. When would you need a one-time deep cleaning service?

For an upcoming party you’re hosting or after a party you’ve hosted

In preparation for a new baby – or after the baby has come! Focus on taking care of your new addition and YOURSELF – and let us take care of your home. After the first cleaning, sign up for our recurring service.

In preparation for moving in or out of a home

To clean up after a big renovation project

To get the home up to speed after 6-12 months of Recurring Economy Cleaning Package

Simply to treat yourself to a spotless home!

At Cleanscrub services, our cleaning experts can give your home a Deep Cleaning that will make every inch of your home shine. We know how to fight stubborn stains, make old surfaces look restored, and pay attention to the little details that truly matter. Whether you want one cleaning to prepare for a special event or just want a change in pace, trust us to get the job done right.

Occasional Services

Can’t commit to recurring service but need to get your house up to speed every now and then?

Do you have recurring service with us and need a deep cleaning before or after a special occasion or you just want to spruce up your home at the end of the year.

You can call us for a deep cleaning as needed! Purchasing an occasional Premium Deep Cleaning Package service is a great way to completely refresh your home every now and then.

Premium Deep Cleaning Package Scope of Work